Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pay It Forward

Earlier this month, a friend and co-worker asked me for some guidance on starting a weight loss journey.  He finally made the decision that he wanted to make an effort to become active and improve his health.  The following is the information that I provided him.  In less than four weeks he lost 15 lbs.  You never know who is watching you, or who values your opinion.  Being transparent and willing to share can certainly help others a long their way. Some of the information you read may have been covered in other posts.  My apologies for any redundancy.

#1 - Ease into it.  Making a lifestyle change is major.  I used to jump into the working out/'dieting' thing with both feet.  Two days later I had thrown in the towel.  Over a two to three week period start making changes. 
Ex:  Week 1 - more water no fried foods + exercise
Week 2 - more water, no fried foods, more green veggies + exercise
Week 3 - more water, no fried good, more green veggies, less starches + exercise
Over the course of a month you'll have tailored your 'lifestyle' change and will have done it without overwhelming yourself.
#2 - Don't say you CAN'T eat something.  Say, that you don't eat it. Or, you choose not to eat it. It's a very mental thing.  The more control you feel like you have, the better you'll feel.  The thought of deprivation may motivate you to rebel.
#3 - Don't tell the whole world what you're doing.  I'm not a pessimist, but there is an audience of individuals waiting to see you fail.  #truestory
#4- Do NOT drink your calories.  Beer, soda, milk shakes all contain calories.  You have to account for these too. 
#5-  Avoid having your 'trigger' foods at home.  If ice cream is your weakness.... don't bring it in the house.   Too bad for the kids.. oh well, they don't need it either.   Go out for ice cream or buy individual servings.  Whatever it is.. DO NOT keep large amounts of in the house. Period.

You will find out a lot about yourself during this process.
Are you an emotional eater, are you a glutton, do you eat out of boredom?

Don't let yourself get too hungry.  When you do that you'll eat the first thing that isn't nailed down.

Make conscientious decisions. 
 If you want a burger:
Eat It>Enjoy It>Move On.
Eat It>Feel Guilty>Quit Your Plan
This is No Bueno......

Protein is key
Greek yogurt
Chicken, Turkey
Some nuts (not Beer Nuts - LOL)

Keep fruit on hand.  Bananas, mandarins and apples are my favorite options for the office.

*A snack is what you make it...
you don't have to eat cottage cheese and peaches
eat a small cup of chili
or a half turkey sandwich and an apple (try to stay in a 100-200 calorie range)
or a mini salad with a little protein on top

Don't eat things you don't like.  Find healthier versions of things that you do!   (great simple light recipes)

I highly recommend or another calorie counting weightloss app.
I like sparkpeople because you can create a profile, set your goals and log them.  They also have plenty of free recipes, articles, exercise videos etc. 

I'd recommend creating a program that focuses on less processed cereals, breads, pastas.  Not necessarily low carb per se, but eating lean proteins, more fruits and veggies.  The less boxes and packages you eat out of, the better.  Bake, roast and grill your meats.  Steam and sautee your veggies.  Garlic, fresh herbs, dried spices, lemon juice, olive oil, etc will take your basic cut of meat to another level.  Also, use your crock pot, there are plenty of hearty soups and stews you can make. 

Some of my favorites meals:

White Chicken Chili seasoning mix by McCormick - add fresh diced chicken breast and cannelini beans... 1 pot meal.
(just a dollop of sour cream a slice of avocado - you have protein, fiber and some healthy fat)

Tacoless Salad:  Ground chicken or turkey browned with taco seasoning, shredded lettuce, pico de gallo, guacamole, black beans etc.  with all the textures you don't realize there's no shell!)

Cracked Pepper Turkey Breast (I usually buy at super Walmart) + baked sweet potato, steamed veggies.

Turkey Italian Sausage & Penne Whole Wheat Pasta

Butterball Turkey Burgers - they have a 'seasoned for beef lovers' burger in the refrigerated case.  Love them!

 I don't eat much beef or pork.  As with any meat choose wisely.  If you're going to eat beef please buy nicer cuts or ground meat with a low lean to fat ratio. 

read my blog :)

The real #1 is.. I'm proud of you!  Don't give up!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

So you don't have time to cook? My favorite Multi-tasking meal...

Many of us claim that we don't have the necessary time to cook a healthy meal.  Because of this we find an excuse to: eat out.  Order in.  Or better yet and more economical,let our cars idle in the drive through, (while we order off the infamous Dollar Menu).

I challenge you to take a moment to step back and see if you can find the time to prepare healthy meals for yourself.  The beauty is, there are tons of meals that you can prepare without literally slaving over a stove.  Roasting, baking, and broiling* are healthy preparation options that don't require a whole lot of effort on your part.

  • Lemon Pepper/Thyme Turkey Breast Chops
  • Baked Sweet Potato
  • Roasted Asparagus

This meal took less than 15 mins of prep time!!
 This is my favorite meal to make if I need to multi task. 

 Since baked sweet potatoes take roughly an hour to cook, I usually start them while I'm doing my workout, reading or cleaning.
  Just pop in the oven and go!!!
 Prep time: approx 3 min

Baked Sweet Potatoes
I use a dedicated pan for baking my sweet potatoes.

These can be prepared in advance and then warmed up in the oven or microwave when you're ready to eat them.

Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Wash and dry the potatoes.  Place on rimmed baking sheet and bake in oven for approximately one hour.  The actual baking time will be determined by the size of the potatoes. 

Helpful hint:  line your baking sheet with aluminum foil for easy clean up or use an old beat up pan like I do.  Potatoes tend to release 'sap', if you are already pressed for time you definitely don't want to spend it by scrubbing pans.

Lemon Pepper Turkey Breast Chops 

 ***when my potatoes are ready to come out the oven that's when I pop my chops in!  (I would have already prepped these before going to work out).
Prep Time: approx 5 min

Olive Oil>Turkey Breast Chops>Fresh or Dried Thyme>Lemon Pepper Seasoning>Lemon Juice 

Directions: Reduce heat to 350 degrees.  Lightly oil baking dish with olive oil.  Wash the turkey chops and pat dry.  Season with lemon pepper and fresh or dried thyme to taste.  Squeeze half the Juice of a lemon over your chops.  Bake 25 mins or until meat thermometer registers at 165 degrees in the thickest part of the chop.
 Helpful hint:  Take your shower while these are cooking!

No time to prep your chops?? Try this option.  Package>Pan>Oven

Roasted Asparagus


***Raise your oven temp to 425 degrees.  
Prep Time: approx 5 min

Olive Oil>Asparagus>Minced Garlic>Lemon Pepper Seasoning>Lemon Juice

Directions:  Wash the asparagus spears.  Break off the tough end off the stalk.  Pat dry.  Place on baking sheet. Toss with olive oil and minced garlic.  Season generously with lemon pepper.  Place on top oven rack.  Cook for 10-15 mins depending on the size of the spears.  The asparagus should be bright green and crisp, yet tender.  Squeeze fresh lemon juice on the asparagus when removed from the oven.

Helpful hint: Not sure where to break the stalk?  Snap off the woody base of each spear by bending the spear a few times to find a place where it breaks easily. This is usually around the bottom third of the spear and where the woody part starts to turn tender. If desired, scrape off the scales on the spears with a vegetable peeler. This gives the spears a smooth, clean look and is especially beneficial for tough or fat spears. See: How to Cook Asparagus from Better Homes and Gardens.

Don't have time to prep Asparagus? Then try any of these delicious microwaveable options.

Let me know if you try this meal!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Many of us grew up during the 80's where this Wendy's slogan became very popular.  Wendy's competitors sold large buns, lots of condiments but didn't deliver on big juicy 100% beef patties like the Wendy's chain.

I am asking this question, [Where's the Beef?] because many of us have removed beef from our diets because we were told red meat was bad.  It has probably been close to a decade since I've bought or prepared beef in any form.   I have replaced ground beef with ground turkey.  I do enjoy an 'occasional' burger from time to time.  I probably eat 4-5 burgers a year, if that.  Lately I've been really studying nutritional facts on some of my favorite foods.  This is what I've realized after studying the fact.  

 I could have kept eating my hamburgers. 

Don't write me off just yet, let me finish....

My eyes were first opened a year or so ago when I stumbled across an Eat this Not That article on  The 37 Worst Restaurant Dinners in America. 

Wait. What? Did the Eat This Not That Guy just say this Turkey Avocado burger had more calories that two McDonald's Double Cheeseburgers? Wow, I can't believe that I was so naive. The reality is that most of the ground turkey we eat isn't 100% white meat/turkey breast.  Most of the burgers that we purchase pre-made, or that we order at restaurants are made of turkey.  BUT they also contain lost of other not-so-healthy things that cause them to skyrocket in calories/and or fat. White meat turkey, dark meat turkey, turkey skin, 'natural flavors', salt, fat, etc can all be added to your wholesome turkey burger to make it taste good.  When it comes to our healthy replacement foods, most of us don't actually read labels.  We assume that since it's not beef, pork or mystery meat, it's got to be good for you and lower in calories.  Here's another article citing The Worst Burgers in America. (Ruby Tuesday's is on the list again).

Look at these three pre-packaged Turkey Burger brands:
Butterball Fresh Seasoned Turkey Burger Patties
Ingredients: Turkey, Less than 2% of Salt, Maltodextrin, Natural Flavorings
180 cals/10 g Fat/21 g protein

Jennie-O Lean Turkey Burger Patties 
Ingredients: hmmmm didn't see the Ingredient list on the website
180 cals/10 g Fat/21 g protein

Turkey Bubba Burger
Ingredients: White Turkey, Kosher Salt, Natural Flavor, Black Pepper
160 cals/5 g Fat/25 g protein

As you can see the Turkey Burger that was made with white meat had 1/2 the fat of the other two brands.  These are the type of burgers we can purchase from the refrigerator case at our local grocery store.  These totals aren't really that bad.  I didn't do any in depth comparisons but I think it's safe to say that these choices are better than the frozen or refrigerated beef patties.  And please don't buy those el cheapo 70/30 and 80/20 ground beef value packs just because you can get a mound of meat for less than ten bucks.  And less be know that 70/30 meat shrivels to the size of an Oreo cookie once all the fat cooks out of it.   (BTW those numbers represent the lean to fat ratio in your ground meat, in case you didn't know). 

So, let's imagine the calories and fat that are in the 'food service' type patties/buns that we eat at restaurant chains...

I checked out a couple of my favorite restaurant's turkey burger vs beef burger nutritional information.  I was astounded with what I found.  The turkey burgers were running neck in neck with the beef burgers in calories, fat, sodium and carbs.  In some cases the turkey burgers were higher in those areas.  Even if the turkey burgers had less calories, they still ranged from 700-1,000 calories on average.  Um, that's too much for a 'sammich' that I don't even really like that much anyhow.  *These comparisons were based on the restaurant nutritional data that factored: patty, bun, condiments etc.

 NOW, please take note.  I am not a nutritionist nor am I a medical professional.  I absolutely AM NOT telling you to stop eating ground turkey and go back to red meat.  What I am telling you to do is your research.  I don't have any health issues that have require that I don't consume red meat.  If you're like me, I never really fell in love with turkey burgers.  They just don't 'do it' for me like a beef hamburger.  I made the switch because I assumed that I'd be saving 100s of calories and lots of fat grams.  This isn't always the case.  Because of my findings I've decided that I'll allow myself a beef burger from time to time.   HOWEVER it is still wise to watch my red meat consumption.

See the article below from the American Heart Association Website:

Choosing healthier protein-rich foods instead of red and processed meats may reduce heart disease risk in women  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lil Nuggets of Wisdom

Here are little nuggets of wisdom that I've mentally archived during my journey.

  1. Don't allow yourself to become super hungry: Have 'go-to' snacks in your desk drawer, purse or glove compartment.  Nuts, granola bars, fresh fruit or jerky are great on the go foods that you have around to keep you from becoming ravenously hungry.  I still struggle with this.  I used to keep a metal lunch box on the back seat of my car filled with healthy snacks.  This lunch box kept me from ending up in the drive through most days.  I've learned that when my stomach is in 'touching my back' mode it's very hard to make rational decisions.  :( 
    My handy dandy lunchbox
  2. Stay off the One Size Fits All bandwagon: Everything doesn't work for everybody.  True, there are some things that are pure science or common sense.  However, that doesn't mean that a particular solution will match your goals, motivate you or fit into your lifestyle.  Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself by trying a cookie cutter approach. Formulate  a custom plan that works for YOU.
  3. Silencing the naysayers in your head/circle:  I'll start with the ones in your head.  Fear and doubt will tell you that you can't do it.  You'll sabotage yourself and exhibit self defeating behavior because you are afraid of change.  Don't do this to yourself.  Stand firm.  If you fall, get back up.  Never give up.   There are a couple of ways to silence the Negative Nancy's in your circle.  But I'll make it real simple.  Feed them with a long handled spoon (period).  (LOL I'm from NC, but I think that saying is pretty universal). The minute you see anyone trying to distract you, sabotage you or keep you from reaching your goals.  Shut them down!   You should be focusing your energy on YOU.  Unfortunately, some people become uncomfortable when you try to better yourself.  They tend to feel this way especially if you share some of the same characteristics.  This is their problem, not yours.  Keep it moving.  One of my many mottos is: Roll with me or get run over!  Don't allow an-y-one, to keep you from making the changes that you want and need in your life.  Let them hate from the sidelines...
  4. Start S-L-O-W:  There are probably people that won't agree with me on this one.  I believe that you should start slowly when trying to incorporate fitness and diet changes into your everyday life.  ESPECIALLY if you're constantly starting over again.   If you've never been successful with diet or exercise before.  Why not ease into it?  Ex: Week #1 = drinking more water and cutting out soft drinks or sweetened beverages.  Week #2 = Week #1 + No Fast Food/Healthier food choices.  Week #3 = Week #1+Week #2 + Walking/Exercising 3-5 days a week and keeping a food journal.  After a month or so you should be comfortable with all of the changes you have made.  Starting slowly allows you to get familiar with the changes without feeling overwhelmed.
  5. Eat Foods You Enjoy:  Following a 'diet' plan that consists of food you do not like is a recipe for disaster.  Don't do it.  You will be miserable the whole time and will not stick with it.  Sooooo..... don't diet.  Adopt lifestyle changes that you can live with.

Monday, March 25, 2013


I've been in the weight loss 'game' for a while now.  Every so often I am amazed with the information that I stumble across.  I titled the blog D.I.Y. because I believe one of the most important factors of weight loss is your diet.

I'd be lying if I said I ate perfectly every single day.   I strive to stay in the middle of the road and make conscientious decisions as much as possible.  However, I have been surprised recently by some of the diet blunders I have made.  I walked to a nearby Chinese restaurant a few weeks ago for lunch.  The cuisine, (if you call it that) is Mall Food Court Chinese food at best.  But... how can you go wrong with string beans?  Well, you can go very wrong with string beans if you deep fry them.  I ordered my food and was waiting for fresh green beans since they didn't have any prepared.  I was taken completely off guard when I saw the cook dump the beans into a metal basket and then lower into a vat of hot oil.  I always thought the beans were blanched or parboiled, then sauteed with a little bit of oil and garlic.  I'd gone to this restaurant a few times without realizing the mode of preparation for my veggies.  Had I taken the time to prepare my lunch before heading into work that morning I wouldn't have ended up with those greasy, yet yummy beans in my styrofoam compartment plate. It's completely unrealistic to say that you'll never eat out.  But, if you have any control over the matter....D.I.Y!!!

When you prepare your own meals you have total control over the amount of fat, sugar, and salt that goes into them.  You get to choose whether the food is baked, broiled, stir fried or sauteed.  Nine out of 10 times some of the best tasting foods have a 'secret' ingredient that is heavy on: sodium, sugar or fat.

By taking a hands on approach on what you eat, there is little room to no room for miscellaneous calories sneaking onto your plate.  If you're wondering why you're not losing as much weight as you think you should be, perhaps you should inquire how some of your favorite foods are prepared.  There very well could be some hidden 'additives' in the foods that you enjoy on a regular basis.  A pinch of sugar here or there... a heaping spoonful of bacon grease in your veggies...or in my case - straight up deep frying string beans.  All of these things could be silent factors that are hindering your progress.

If at all possible, Do It Yourself.  It does a body good....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Magic shoes

Ok, so was I the only person that thought those Skecher Shape Ups and Reebok EasyTone shoes were a complete joke?

When I first saw the commercials and ads for these 'toning' shoes I immediately thought of Forrest Gump.

Forrest Gump: Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere. 

Was it realistic to believe one could achieve a lifted derriere, firm thighs and toned legs by simply wearing a pair of 'Magic Shoes'? You mean you only have to wear this abominable footwear and have legs that would rival Tina Turner's? So you're saying there's no need to work out or change my calorie intake? Not even a little? Who'd ever think that a pair of shoes could engage the muscles more than, say..... lunges or squats? The Reebok sneakers were more aesthetically pleasing than the Skecher brand IMHO but still, why do we always try to take the easy way out? Plenty of people that needed to lose weight LONG before these shoes ever hit the market never bothered to lace up their perfectly functional athletic shoes. As soon as we read a claim that you will get something from doing practically nothing, we're all over it. The bottom line is in today's society we are programmed to expect much from doing little. Now, if purchasing these ridiculous shoes actually motivated you to become active that is a plus. I'd say something positive did manifest from the deceptive marketing practices of these shoe manufacturers. However, studies determined that these 'Magic Shoes' did no more for your glutes and hammies then your dusty, barely broken in sneakers could do.  You know THOSE sneakers that you store under your bed for 11 out of 12 months a year? (I say 11 months because we ALL know that in January, New Year's Resolutions mean we'll actually 'try' for a little while at least and the shoes come out of hibernation).

In 2010, ACE commissioned a study with exercise scientists from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse to evaluate the effectiveness of Shape-Ups, as well as MBT: Masai Barefoot Technology shoes and Reebok EasyTone sneakers. In two trials, the researchers tested exercise responses to walking and muscle activation in both the toning shoes and plain-old athletic sneakers. The difference? None.
"Across the board, none of the toning shoes showed statistically significant increases in either exercise response or muscle activation during any of the treadmill trials," the researchers wrote in their report. "There is simply no evidence to support the claims that these shoes will help wearers exercise more intensely, burn more calories or improve muscle strength and tone."

Unfortunately, you have to do the work. Although the beauty of this is, you are able to design and sculpt your own work of art based on your own level of effort. No shoe can do for your body or self esteem what determination and commitment will.  So put away all of your 'Magic': shoes, belts, corsets, pills, etc and apply yourself.  I'm not saying that none of these things work, but they are NOT magical.  If you think you have to do absolutely nothing to achieve results you are sadly mistaken.  


Reebok to Pay $25 Million in Customer Refunds To Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Advertising of EasyTone and RunTone Shoes

Settlement Order Prohibits Reebok from Making Unsupported Claims that ‘Toning Shoes’ Strengthen, Tone Muscles


Skechers Will Pay $40 Million to Settle FTC Charges That It Deceived Consumers with Ads for "Toning Shoes"

Consumers Who Bought Shape-ups, Other Toning Shoes Will Be Eligible for Refunds

The Federal Trade Commission announced that Skechers USA, Inc. has agreed to pay $40 million to settle charges that the company deceived consumers by making unfounded claims that Shape-ups would help people lose weight, and strengthen and tone their buttocks, legs and abdominal muscles

Think twice before you fall for too good to be true claims.  Lace up your sneakers, eat moderately/monitor your food and beverage intake and be patient with yourself.  The weight will come off, no gimmicks needed.